Welcome to my Website!, Not sure why this isn't updating... AH, refresh, my old friend

I intend to actually make something here, but i can never find the damn time. I'm woring on it... but here is the default neocities link Neocities. I have so many ideas for my site but I have been sick with a chronic illness for some time now. I want to work on this in 2024 very much. I hate the way the internet has gone and what it has done to the world today, I want to go back to basics, when we used the internet for good (and maybe a little bit of naughty, but not corporate evil... google even had to change their company motto)

So please bear with me and I promise to do my best, as my new years resolution.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!